Global Search

First, a quick video demo of the module.

How does it work?

After installing the module, you can enable any individual field in any CRUD to be "searchable":

And then, in the generated panel, in top-left corner, you will see a search field, which, after you type in at least 3 characters, will look for all records in all CRUDs/Fields you specified:


If you want to customize the behavior of Global Search, it's all in the generated file app/Http/Controllers/Admin/GlobalSearchController.php, here's the main method:

    public function search(Request $request)
        $search = $request->input('search');

        if ($search === null || !isset($search['term'])) {

        $term           = $search['term'];
        $searchableData = [];

        foreach ($this->models as $model => $translation) {
            $modelClass = 'App\\' . $model;
            $query      = $modelClass::query();

            $fields = $modelClass::$searchable;

            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                $query->orWhere($field, 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%');

            $results = $query->take(10)

            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $parsedData           = $result->only($fields);
                $parsedData['model']  = trans($translation);
                $parsedData['fields'] = $fields;
                $formattedFields      = [];

                foreach ($fields as $field) {
                    $formattedFields[$field] = Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $field));

                $parsedData['fields_formated'] = $formattedFields;

                $parsedData['url'] = url('/admin/' . Str::plural(Str::snake($model, '-')) . '/' . $result->id . '/edit');

                $searchableData[] = $parsedData;

        return response()->json(['results' => $searchableData]);

So if, for example, you want the default click to lead to SHOW method instead of default EDIT, you need to change this line:

$parsedData['url'] = url('/admin/' . Str::plural(Str::snake($model, '-')) . '/' . $result->id . '/edit');

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